Current releases of AOL using the standard AOL browser have been shown to work. On older versions you may encounter
some technical difficulties trying to log in to our server using the standard AOL browser. You may need to upgrade
your browser to make it compatible with Web Earth Online Games. You may select from:
If you haven't used these browsers, it's a good idea to compare them side by side. The downloads are free, and
it gives you an opportunity to decide which one you prefer. After downloading, install your browser and reboot
your computer.
After rebooting, start AOL again. When you are logged on, find the icon for the browser you installed. For a
Windows 95 PC, go to your START menu and find the icon for Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer in your PROGRAMS
submenu. For a Power Macintosh, find the folder containing your browser and double click the program icon.
When you start your new browser, type into the browser location or address window
and your problem should be solved. Not only will your visit to Web Earth Online Games be more enjoyable, but we
believe you will find your Internet experience more satisfying!