There is a points display on the game console. This display shows the points for your current animal being played.
To see total points (a cummulation of all lives played) you will need to visit the "view your scores"
web page. Total points are used to determine when you are promoted to play the next animal(s). To see how many
total points you need to play the next animal check your Total Points scored against the points required to play
that animal. Visit the online manual section on Basic Game and Advanced
Game animals for a list of point requirements to play each animal.
The points for this life display is located on the bottom of the screen. You will score points for just staying
alive. You will score points for fighting, and dominance combat. You score more points if you are successful (
for example you hit rather than miss) in a fight or dominance combat. In addition, when you raise young you will
score points when they are finally delivered into young adulthood. If the role of the female or male is considered
more or less difficult for the animal you are playing, you will find that the points scored for raising young can
vary with gender. In addition you will score points when grandchildren and great grand children are raised. For
grandchildren you will score the half of the parents points and for great grandchildren you will score one fourth
of the parents points. The number shown on the right side with the + symbol indicates the number of points gained
on the last change of life points. For example +1 would indicate you gained 1 point on the last change.
