When you enter the game for the first time you will be started with a new animal. Web Earth Online will remember
your animal and allow you to continue playing it even if you leave the game for a period of time. However, when
you leave the game, the world continues without you. So there can be consequences for leaving at certain times.
If you leave your nest as a baby and return later, your family may be long gone. If you leave the game as a mother
with many hungry babies then you will not be there to feed them and they may die. You will have to be present in
the game to collect points for raising babies into young adulthood.
When combat is begun, Web Earth Online starts something called the heat of battle. It will last for several
minutes after combat has finished. If you leave the game before the heat of battle clears, your animal will be
severely damaged. This keeps players from simply quitting when they get in a tight spot. You will have to work
your way out of tight spots, or pay a penalty.
If you need to quit playing, the game saves your animal and allows you to re-enter with the same animal at a
later time. However the game will only allow you to play during the same season as when you left the game. This
will keep players from skipping over hard winters and only playing during the easy months of the year.
Some animals like reptiles and bears can hibernate. If you hibernate in the winter, you will be allowed to return
to the game in the spring. However, you should hibernate in a safe place. For example if you are a bear, hibernate
in a cave. If you hibernate outdoors, your animal will be severely taxed.
To Quit the game, click the X on your game console browser window as shown below:
