You can look at your console and get status information about the animal you are playing.
Below shows the regions which has information about your animal:

The upper region shows you the following information:

If you click on the arrow in the lower right hand corner, you will get more information about your animal. You
will see the following screen:

If you again click on the arrow in the lower right hand corner, you will get a configuration screen. The following
screen allows you to select which of the following groups of items will show up at the top of the examine view
list when you click on the world view. For example if you are clicking on the nest in search of food, you would
want to have "Things" checked, so that the group of "Things" have the top priority and show
up on the top of the list.

The lower region shows you the following information:

For females, if you have eggs available for mating then the following egg icon will show up on your display.
For males an egg will show up indicating that it is mating season for your species of animal. See the screen shown
below for the location of this indicator:

Females can click on this egg and it will show you a female status screen which contains information about eggs,
milk, fertilization, and timers which show when babies are due.
