Manipulating Objects In The World Around You.
Manipulating Your Animal.
Manipulating Objects In The World Around You.
You click on an area of the world that you are interested in exploring and a list of objects at that location
will show up in the examine view window as shown below:

After clicking on the world view, then click on the object / item on the examine list that you want to explore
or manipulate. A list of actions that you can do with that object will show up in the examine view as shown below:

Then we get a list of actions we can do for this item picked, as is shown below:

Manipulating Your Animal.
To manipulate your animal (yourself) click on the local picture of your animal as shown below:

Then you will see a list of possible actions in the examine view. Upon closer examination, the action list will
look something like the list shown below. The actions for these lists will vary somewhat depending on which animal
you are playing at the time.
This is an example of the examine view list of actions that you can do to yourself. If you pick "rest",
you will rest your animal. If you pick "Clean Self", you will try to clean yourself. If you "Drop",
you will drop what you are carrying, and so on ...
