Taking, Challenging, Fighting, Cleaning, and Examining other animals is done by selecting those animals as was
described in Manipulating Objects. Below shows you how to get started. Begin by
clicking on the world view and then picking the animal you are interested in. The animals will be listed in the
examine view on the right side. As shown below:

Then pick the animal on the examine list that you want to manipulate.

Then we get a list of actions we can do for the animal picked, as is shown below:

Now that you know how to access Taking, Challenging, Fighting, Cleaning, and Examining other animals, you will
be able to attempt these as needed.
Taking an object means that you pick it up. The game console status of your animal shows any object that you
have taken (see The Status of Your Animal). It becomes visible inside the carry
container shown on the screen. You can take something up to the limit of your strength to carry and you pick up
one object at a time. You will need the take command when collecting nest building materials, gathering food for
young, or cleaning out nests.
Some objects have fruit, or smaller items that you would get if you tried to take from. For example, if you
try to take from Tall_Grass, you can sometimes get the fruit of Tall_Grass which is straw.
A challenge is something you can do to an animal which is the same gender and species as you. A challenge helps
determine your rank in dominance order. For example, if you are a male wolf, you can challenge another male wolf,
but you can't challenge a female wolf, or a male Elk. This is a challenge for position in dominance order. If you
win the challenge, you stand to move up in the dominance order if you have challenged an animal of higher rank.
By challenging you score life points and gain combat skills. If you win the challenge you will score more life
points and gain even more combat skills than if you lose, either way, you gain points. Challenging will cause you
and the target of your challenge to burn energy, but no real physical harm is done to either of you. Challenges
manifest themselves as foot stomping, growling, staring down, or whatever is appropriate for the species posting
the challenge. Challenging can have its own set of risks. Energy, water, and food can be precious resources. Challenging
will cause you to use these resources up. As with any activity that you may wish to partake in, you should constantly
monitor energy, water, and health resources for your animal. Dominance order has importance when mating. Your animal
may not be allowed to mate, especially with NPC's, unless you have achieved sufficient rank in dominance order.
You can challenge an animal that is anywhere within your view. In other words, if you can see it, you can challenge
Fighting is deadly serious. It should not be done lightly because it is done with the intent to kill. When you
fight another animal, you attempt to do grave bodily harm to that animal. Fighting may be necessary for some predators
who are hunting, or in cases where you are defending your young. Fighting burns a lot of energy and resources of
your animal. With fighting, like with any other activity, you should monitor your animal so that it doesn't run
out of energy or water, or over heat, or experience a dangerous drop in health. You must be at the same location
as the target animal that you want to fight so that it will be within reach.
Cleaning is something you can do to other animals, or to your own animal. It means simply to clean the dirt
off another animal. As a parent of babies, you will be responsible for cleaning your young. Allowing them to get
dirty is to risk disease and sickness. You will also need to clean debris from nests which is done by taking the
debris and carrying it out of the nest and dropping it somewhere safe.
By examining you can learn more detail about another animal. This can be useful if you are monitoring babies
and trying to keep an eye on their general health and well-being.